Work Experience

Software Engineering Intern | Google

Mountain View, CA [remote at Pittsburgh, PA]

May 2021 - Aug 2021

  • Built an internal debugging feature using Dagger that provides structured logs about query responses from the Assistant servers, and made it compatible with a manageable and lightweight platform.
  • Equipped the production code with comprehensive test suites and a detailed design doc which guarantees the robustness in its daily work serving around 70 engineers.
  • Contributed to the integration of an improved Text-to-Speech library in the auto platform to optimize the response latency for Assistant queries, benefiting all clients.
  • Identified an existing structure design issue in the codebase and committed a new solution, reducing the response latency by 50% for large data load.
Know more about Google Assistant on Auto?

Algorithm Internship

San Carlos, CA

Jun 2019 - Aug 2019

  • Investigated an existing third-party API in AR field and documented its function features to apply in future cases.
  • Integrated the API into Android demo application using Java and benchmarked its performance with other solutions.
  • Built 10+ ready-to-use Docker images with different configuration environment using Dockerfile and managed them within a docker registry image on the private server.
  • Deployed existing VLAD algorithm onto Docker swarm and improve its’ efficiency by 10% by implementing its key KMeans algorithm using Pyspark framework.
Who's Rokid?

Peer Mentor for OS

Madison, WI

Jan 2019 - May 2019

  • Held office hours to solve conceptual questions and coding problems with about 50-60 students in person.
  • Assisted Professor Shivaram Venkataraman and other peer mentors to prepare and organize course materials.
Learn more about the class

IT Support Assistant

Madison, WI

Jan 2019 - May 2019

  • Analyzed and resolved a range of software/hardware/connectivity issues for 100+ researchers.
  • Assisted manager with implementation and maintenance of the network infrastructure in the whole building.

Selected Projects

RumbleSpace - Nano Blogging platform

Nano-Blogsite realized by Django2.1/Python3.7/HTML/CSS/JavaScript/JQuery/Ajax

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Course Scheduler

Fetch data from server and display courses interactively using Reactjs.

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Portfolio Optimization

Implemented Markowitz model and two other models that based on it to perform optimal profile assignment over S&P500 data from year 2000 to 2015.

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Mobile Fitness Tracker

A mobile fitness App that supports user signup and login, and help records users' health and sports data using React Native.

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